Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Red Goddess Cometh – freak’n finally

I’m not sure how Donald happened upon www.darkgeometry.ca, but what a find it was. The man behind it, Jesselee Lang, is clearly very gifted but he is also very generous. As an artist he gives away some amazing stuff and his site is certainly worth a visit.

Donald knowing me, though very excited himself, was justifiably hesitant to fully share his discovery until after Jesselee had agreed to come onboard. The problem was that Donald had told me (read: tormented me) that he’d found a very talented graphic artist and then just left it at that. Argh! A summary of my exchange of phone calls with Donald goes something like:  Donald: "He’s tremendously gifted, perfect for the project, a dream find. But I’m not telling you who he is." I’m sure Donald remembers it differently, but this is my blog and this is how history will be recorded.

With childlike enthusiasm, which to an outsider observer could, I will concede, have been misconstrued for childish impatience, I waited. And I waited. And I waited. Admittedly wait time is rather subjective. Imagine a five year-old on Christmas Eve that is simultaneously doing the pee-pee dance. Well that kid had nothing on me.

Finally, Donald contacted me to say that Jesselee was onboard and that it was safe for all involved if I were to now go look at his website. It was a paradise of rendering. If anyone could capture Alexandra, my Red Goddess, it would be this genius. It wasn’t too long after Jesselee had joined the project (by ‘too long’ keep in mind the pee-pee dance on Christmas Eve) that he provided the first images. When I saw Alexandra I think I squealed – which if done correctly is not as emasculating as one might imagine.

But then it all started to slowly unravel…